Human Rights, News, Opinion, Security

Torture & inhumane treatment continues to exist in The Gambia!! What have our security officers learned from the TRRC?

It seems some security officers especially the police officers of the Gambia Police Force has still not learnt of the serious offences such as human rights violations committed by their fellow security officers during the former regime of Yahya Jammeh. Having read the judgment delivered on Thursday, 20th July 2023, […]


Essa Faal rubbishes Sanna Manjang’s claims

Essa M. Faal, the former Lead Counsel of the Gambia’s Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) has debunked claims by Sanna Manjang, a former member of ex-president Jammeh’s hit-squad. Manjang had recently claimed during an interview, that Essa Faal bribed him to give testimony against former president Yahya Jammeh during […]

Editorial, Good Book, Human Rights, News, Security

Former TRRC Director of Research and Investigations authors book titled ‘The Dictator Is Us‘

Alagie Saidy Barrow, former director of Research and Investigations at the Gambia’s maiden Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC), has authored a book entitled: “The Dictator Is Us, My truth commission journey“. The book is being printed by Global Hands Publishing – The Gambia and is expected to be released […]