Tag: journalist

News, Opinion

The Crucial Need for Professional Training for Journalists in The Gambia

Alagi Yorro Jallow. Fatoumatta: Journalism is a profession that demands rigorous training and certification, just like law, medicine, and engineering. If we insist on thorough preparation for professionals in these fields, we must hold journalism to the same high standard. Mandatory certification is essential. While experience is undoubtedly valuable, on-the-job […]

News, Politics

The new Senegalese populists are cracking down and muzzling the independent press and journalists, displaying political bravado. The politics of paranoia, revenge, and intensify

Alagi Yorro Jallow. Fatoumatta: The perceived bias in favor of Pastef and Prime Minister Ousman Sonko in the Gambia is seen as a disservice to press freedom, lacking the solidarity and support previously shown to the Gambian press under Yahya Jammeh’s rule. A hallmark of emerging dictatorships is typically the […]

News, Opinion

Editorial: The Gambia Press Union Upcoming Congress

Editorial: Members of the Gambia Press Union are scheduled to participate in the congress. Elect a leader of the Gambia Press Union who possesses a clear vision for press freedom, protects the interests of the union members, and fortifies the freedom of the press in Gambia. This leader must hold […]