Tag: Gambia

News, Politics

Why Were You Elected to the Hallowed Chamber? Parliamentarian Asking GMD 100,000 of Taxpayers’ Money for “Clothing Allowances.”

Part III. Fatoumatta: Suppose the news story trending on social media and in the national papers that the Gambia’s National Assembly members have agreed to be paid a whopping sum of GMD 100,000, known as the “Clothing Allowance,” from the budget for every ‘Honorable’ member, in addition claiming to hefty […]


Gambia High Commission In London Awards Two Gambians

Press statement: 9 June 2022. The Gambia High Commission in London today awarded a Certificate of Recognition to Mr Ebra Taal and Assan Saine for representing the Gambia at the biggest charity bike ride in the UK covering over 150 miles, comprising 250,000 participants last week. Mr Taal and Mr […]