Tag: Gambia

News, Opinion

Cautious Welcome to the Vice President Alieu Badara Joof

If the Barrow administration had done what they are constitutionally mandated to do from January 2017 to date, today Vice President Alieu Badara Joof would not have stood before the nation to solemnly acknowledge failures, lament poor performance and admonish colleagues for ineptitude and corruption. Since 2017, there have been […]


From self-denial to self-indulgence: VP Badara Joof says it as it is

When President Adama Barrow named veteran civil servant and renowned educationist Dr. Badara Joof, as his VP, in his Cabinet reshuffle, the decision caught many observers by surprise, particularly since the Cabinet lineup was shrouded in secrecy. His appointment received mixed reviews; while the move was applauded in some quarters […]


Gambia Int’l forward Jallow says Scorpions will unleash all their arsenals in their armory to qualify for Ivory Coast 23 AFCON

The Gambia International forward, Ablie Jallow who scored the only goal of the Scorpion’s 1-0 win against South Sudan at the Stade Lat Dior in Thies, Senegal, has said that the scorpions will apply their back tricks to book their second appearance in Africa’s biggest football showpiece following their historical […]