Tag: Barrow

News, Opinion, Politics

Who Is Holding Our President Hostage?

The Existential Threat of Political Lobbyists in President Barrow’s Cabinet Appointments. Fatoumatta: One of President Adama Barrow’s admirers and critics once laments that “our President is slow at everything, and he celebrates it.” He further said, “If you are slow, you cannot win any race,” he opined. So one of […]

Opinion, Politics

Meritocratic and Competent-Loyalist-based Cabinet Ministers President Barrow Must Pick To Help Fight Corruption and Restore Integrity in The Gambia

Mamudu: President Adama Barrow’s second term incoming top-level appointments and key strategic senior staff and cabinet ministers appointments must not bring favoritism, cronyism, nepotism, political patronage, and civil service and public service appointments partisan loyalty after winning elections. Moreover, it will not help President Barrow’s administration if he begins to […]


New President. New National Assembly. What for Gambia?

The sad and annoying fact is that while the country now has a new President and new National Assembly Members, the Gambia is in bad shape! With the failed promise for system change in 2017, five years down the line the Gambia instead turned into a cesspool of public sector […]