Tag: government

News, Politics

Will Mimi Toure survive her Parliamentary coup?

A parliamentary committee in Senegal yesterday voted out Aminata Toure widely called Mimi Toure, causing her to lose her parliamentary seat. This decision came following her exit from the Benno Bokk Yaakaar coalition which voted her into the Parliament in September last year. Mimi Toure is organizing a press conference […]

News, Opinion

Resumption of Set-Settal Indicates Lack of Reforms

The management of a country is not a child’s play. It is a serious business which is why laws are created and institutions are constituted and endowed with powers and resources to perform their functions. These functions are geared towards only one objective which is to protect and fulfill the […]


Gambia Government Mourns Vice President Alieu Badara Joof

Press Release Dated: 18th January, 2023 Banjul, The Gambia — His Excellency President Adama Barrow regrets to announce with profound shock and sadness, the death of his Vice President (VP) Alieu Badara Joof, which sad event occurred in New Delhi, India early this morning (12:41 pm Indian time). On behalf […]