Tag: free expression

Editorial, Human Rights, News, Opinion

Analyzing the unconstitutionality of Sedition Laws and their adverse effects on Freedom of Expression is a vital concern within a democratic society

Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democracy, enabling a functioning system that fosters citizen involvement in governance and accountability. Protection under the law is a right for every citizen. Presidents should not be idolized as demigods; no president is above the law, and all citizens are equal before it. […]

Editorial, Human Rights, News, World News

IFJ says 123 journalists and media workers killed in 2023

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 31 December 2023  One hundred and twenty journalists and media workers, including 11 women, have been killed in 2023, announced the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on 31 December.   The IFJ, which published an initial list of journalists killed ahead of UN Human Rights Day on 8 December documenting 94 […]

Human Rights, News, Opinion

Journalism is not activism: “A tiger doesn’t proclaim his tigritude, he pounces.”Activism and Political Bias Are Destroying People’s Faith in Journalism

Fatoumatta: The Gambian private media fought twenty-two years of former president Yahya Jammeh’s military turned civilian autocracy and suffered brutal persecutions, nocturnal arson attacks, torture, and death threats without compromising their reputation and professional integrity; those days, Gambian journalists under a despot played a heroic role in fighting for the […]

Human Rights, News

Irresponsible Exercise of Freedom of Expression Retreat Democracy in Crisis and Give Rise to both Benevolent and Malevolent Dictatorship?

Fatoumatta: As we exercise our God-given right to freedom of choice and expression, we must not do not forget that temperance, proper judgment, the skillful economy of words, strategy, deep insight, and not burning the bridge of tomorrow are all marks of correct choices. As we support or oppose the […]