Tag: corruption


3 senior Government officials charged with corruption

PRESS STATEMENT INDICTMENTS FILED AGAINST SENIOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS IN CONNECTION WITH 2018 GLOBAL FUNDS GRANT TO THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH BANJUL, 11TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2023: 1. The Attorney General’s Chambers and the Ministry of Justice has officially filed an indictment against three senior officials from the Ministry of Health […]

News, Opinion

National Assembly should enact the Public Officers’ Declaration of Assets, Liabilities & Business Interests & the Anti-Corruption Commission Law

The Gambia needs a new caliber of leadership at all levels. The nation needs competent and honest politicians who operate with integrity and are not simply driven by vengeance, personal gain, or the desire to remain in office for life. These political leaders must be judged based on their capability, […]


“Whether it’s right or wrong, it’s a contract which has to be honoured“ says Dr. Henry D.R Carrol responding to allegations of cheating

Dr. Henry D.R. Carrol (M.R.G.), senior Oxford-Trained Lawyer, a human rights lawyer, cum founder and senior Law Lecturer at the University of The Gambia (UTG) from 2007 to date has responded to corruption allegations and cheating at the UTG Faculty of Law. LTN reported an article on corruption allegations at […]


Corruption scandal hits UTG Law Faculty, Dean dodges questions

A corruption scandal has been reported at the University of the Gambia‘s Faculty of Law. An investigation by LTN has revealed that the Faculty of Law at the UTG is alleged to have been engaged in corrupt practices, professional misconduct, and administrative blunders that undermine the UTG Policy and Administration. […]