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News, Opinion

Analysis: In a country renowned for its impressive democratic credentials, the absence of a FIFA-approved stadium results in the loss of its enchanting football magic for hosting home matches

Fatoumatta: In a country renowned for its impressive democratic credentials, the absence of a FIFA-approved stadium results in the loss of its enchanting football magic for hosting home matches. It is disheartening that The Gambia, a nation passionate about football, lacks even one FIFA-approved stadium to host home matches and […]

News, Opinion

Good Book: The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

By John Perkins.Review by Alagi Yorro Jallow.“The New Confessions” delves into the sinister expansion of power by economic hit men and jackals, revealing their impact in the United States and globally. It’s a striking, courageous book that sheds light on current crises and provides strategies to confront them. John Perkins […]

News, Opinion

The 2024 population census and the voting rights of the Gambian diaspora hold critical significance, with their marginalization posing a grave issue

Mamudu: The marginalization of the Gambian diaspora in the 2024 population census and their voting rights is a significant concern. The Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) plans to conduct a digital population and housing census from May 25 to June 14, 2024, to collect data on the demographic, social, and […]