Alagi Yorro Jallow Fatoumatta: When bigotry disguises itself as patriotism, The Gambia faces a critical dilemma. We must confront the uncomfortable truth: political arrogance and tribalism will not simply vanish on their own. It is alarming that many of those spreading hate and sycophancy are young, educated individuals, which is […]
Gambia at 60: Pray for Her: The Generational Game: The Evolution of Governance: Navigating the Journey from Civilian to Military Rule, Transitioning to Military-Turned-Civilian Leadership, and Returning to Civilian Rule -Part X
Gambia at 60: Pray for Her: The Generational Game: The Evolution of Governance: Navigating the Journey from Civilian to Military Rule, Transitioning to Military-Turned-Civilian Leadership, and Returning to Civilian Rule. This ongoing struggle highlights the critical tension between Democracy and Economic Development, ultimately shaping the complex Politics of Development and […]
Gambia at 60: Pray for Her: Restrictive Leadership: A Call to Embrace Transformation – Part IX
Alagi Yorro Jallow Part IX Fatoumatta: In George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” the allegorical tale of a group of farm animals who overthrow their human farmer only to be subjected to an even more oppressive regime under the pigs, serves as a powerful critique of totalitarianism and the corrupting influence of […]
Gambia at 60: Pray for Her: The Gambia at 60: What a horror! What inhumanity! Our cry was clear: Freedom now, not a moment later! Honoring Our Founding Fathers and Paving the Way Forward – Part VIII
Alagi Yorro Jallow Part VIII Fatoumatta: As The Gambia commemorates 60 years of independence, we find ourselves at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. This milestone is not merely a tribute to our past struggles and victories; it serves as a powerful reflection on our journey and a beacon […]