
News, Opinion

Tribute to John Njie. A Man of Passion!

It’s with great joy and satisfaction I pay tribute to John Njie having gloriously served as Chair of TANGO at the most crucial junction of our history. After six years as head of the civil society, John steered the course of leadership with dedication, vigor and passion. During his tenure […]


Are we really independent?

With the dawn of each “Independence” anniversary on February 18th, we, as Gambians, blow horns, sing, drum and cheer to celebrate “Independence Day.” This year shall be no exception. Independence is defined as “freedom from being governed or ruled by another country, or the ability to live your life without […]

News, Opinion

Resumption of Set-Settal Indicates Lack of Reforms

The management of a country is not a child’s play. It is a serious business which is why laws are created and institutions are constituted and endowed with powers and resources to perform their functions. These functions are geared towards only one objective which is to protect and fulfill the […]