Author: Alagi Yorro Jallow


Merchants Of Truth

By Jill Abramson. Review Alagi Yorro Jallow‧ Fatoumatta: I highly recommend this excellent book to all Gambian journalists and media practitioners. Highly readable textbook with a combination of essential topics, in-depth reporting, endlessly fascinating anecdotes, and vivid writings. Ms. Jill Abramson’s first female editor in chief of the New York […]


From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965-2000

by Lee Kuan Yew and Henry Kissinger (Foreword by).Review By Alagi Yorro Jallow.Fatoumatta: An excellent book. I had a great time reading this remarkable book, unknown to people in some developing countries, particularly politicians and public policy influencers. There were compelling and genuine reasons why the Gambia’s founding father, Sir […]