Author: Alagi Yorro Jallow

News, Opinion

A Ministry of Information Has No Place In a Democracy

Fatoumatta: This article below was initially published on April 27, 2022, recommending the dissolution of the Ministry of Information. In a democracy, the notion of a Ministry of Information indeed provokes critical questions regarding transparency, freedom of the press, and governmental communication roles. The presence of such a ministry can […]

News, Politics

Political Patronage:”KU BOKA C GETA GEE NAN C MEOW MEE”

Political Patronage: “KU BOKA C GETA GEE NAN C MEOW MEE” Diasporans who have returned with merit and those who formerly struggled for The Gambia’s liberation deserve a government job as a “sacrifice” and patriotic duty. Part I Fatoumatta: The renowned Gambian musician Ali Cham, popularly known by his stage […]

News, Opinion

Supreme Islamic Council represents one symptom of a Gambian disease. Islamic Salafist populism has failed to find its footing within our democracy

Fatoumatta: History will remember President Yahya Jammeh, among others, for enacting significant legislation banning the harmful cultural and traditional practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and ensuring quality and fair representation of women in positions of political leadership within the executive, judiciary, and legislature branches during his rule. I will […]