Author: Alagi Yorro Jallow

News, Opinion

The Crucial Need for Professional Training for Journalists in The Gambia

Alagi Yorro Jallow. Fatoumatta: Journalism is a profession that demands rigorous training and certification, just like law, medicine, and engineering. If we insist on thorough preparation for professionals in these fields, we must hold journalism to the same high standard. Mandatory certification is essential. While experience is undoubtedly valuable, on-the-job […]

News, Opinion

Gambia Needs More Magistrates and Judges, Not Freelance Lawyers: A Vision for Judicial Modernization

The Gambia Needs More Magistrates and Judges, Not Freelance Lawyers: A Vision for Judicial Modernization Alagi Yorro Jallow. Fatoumatta: It is imperative that The Gambia increases its number of magistrates and judges while significantly reducing the presence of freelance lawyers and legal vultures. The modernization and enhancement of our justice […]

News, Politics

Gambia at 60: Pray for Her: The Gambia at 60: What a horror! What inhumanity! Our cry was clear: Freedom now, not a moment later! Honoring Our Founding Fathers and Paving the Way Forward – Part VIII

Alagi Yorro Jallow Part VIII Fatoumatta: As The Gambia commemorates 60 years of independence, we find ourselves at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. This milestone is not merely a tribute to our past struggles and victories; it serves as a powerful reflection on our journey and a beacon […]