Patriotism and national pride can foster a sense of belonging and identity; however, it is crucial to find a balance to prevent harmful extremes in the process of nation-building. Fatoumatta: Indeed, supporting one’s country during national and international events is more than a duty; it’s a chance for positive transformation. […]
Author: Alagi Yorro Jallow
Honoring Our Heroes: Observing World Press Freedom Day: The X Generation Sets the Benchmark for Gambian Journalism
Fatoumatta: We should honor the brave souls who have fought for press freedom and freedom of expression in the Gambia. These valiant individuals, at great personal risk, have tirelessly sought the truth. While it’s impossible to list every legend, their lasting impact on our society is clear. They serve as […]
WPFD 2024 Theme: “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis”
Fatoumatta: Worldwide, governments and press organizations mark World Press Freedom Day with significant fanfare, including issuing statements, holding symposia, and organizing marches. Has President Adama Barrow or his Information and Propaganda Minister made any statements commemorating World Press Freedom Day in The Gambia? On this day, governments, ministers responsible for […]
Gambia Gov’t should have prioritized funding the public University of The Gambia rather than providing loans to parliamentarians and private media businesses. Part III
The government of The Gambia should have prioritized funding the public University of The Gambia rather than providing loans to parliamentarians and private media businesses. This would have enabled poor students who cannot afford tuition increases to benefit. Alagi Yorro Jallow Part III Fatoumatta: I engaged in an informal dialogue […]