Author: Alagi Yorro Jallow


GOOD BOOK: The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa by Deborah Brautigam

Reviewed by Alagi Yorro Jallow. “The Dragon’s Gift: China’s Debt Diplomacy” by Deborah Brautigam is a book that every Gambian activist, business journalist, political leader, and public intellectual should consider essential reading. It provides a dire account of China’s strategy to ensnare developing African nations with enormous, unsustainable loans collateralized […]

News, Opinion

Commemoration of Africa Liberation Day

Part I Fatoumatta: Annually on May 25th, Africans celebrate Africa Freedom Day, also known as Africa Liberation Day (ALD). This day is reserved for reflecting on the liberation struggle that led to the independence of numerous nations across this vast and prosperous continent. As we revel in the wealth of […]

News, Opinion

The competition for dominance between Islamic Salafism and Tassawuf Sufism as identities within Africa is gaining momentum

Fatoumatta:The struggle for dominance between Salafism and Sufism (Tasawwuf) within African Islam is a complex and intriguing battle, delving into the ideological clash and its consequences. In this contest for supremacy, the future of African Islam is at stake, influenced by ideological conflicts, historical legacies, and the changing religious and […]

News, Opinion

President Barrow should be commended for naming public buildings after two former Vice Presidents but it was a mistake to name a public building after his mother

President Barrow is to be commended for naming public buildings after two former Vice Presidents in acknowledgment of their contributions to The Gambia, although it was a mistake to name a public building after his mother. Alagi Yorro Jallow Fatoumatta: President Adama Barrow has launched an initiative to honor notable […]