Fatoumatta: History will remember President Yahya Jammeh, among others, for enacting significant legislation banning the harmful cultural and traditional practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and ensuring quality and fair representation of women in positions of political leadership within the executive, judiciary, and legislature branches during his rule. I will […]
Author: Alagi Yorro Jallow
Did Three Leaders Since Independence Keep the Singapore Dream Alive?
Mamudu: The Gambia has been independent for fifty-nine years. We no longer have the excuses that we are new to the game, just starting, or that we should be allowed our growing pains. All of that is barking nonsense. Singapore gained independence (August 9, 1965) the same year the Gambia […]
The Gambia is a Democracy. Let the Majority Govern and the Opposition Oppose: Why A National Dialogue and What Makes or Breaks National Dialogues?
Fatoumatta: Ross Perot once said, “If you see a snake, just kill it. Do not appoint a committee on snakes”. Gambians are either setting up a committee or organizing a conference for everything. This is why we will be stuck in one spot for a long time and left behind […]
Remembering Deyda’s Legacy in Journalism
Fatoumatta: Deyda Hydara epitomized the traditional values of journalism —accuracy, courage, independence, and integrity — that we seek to imbue in our Journalists. By honoring the Deyda Hydara legacy, we hope to instill in our Journalists the moral and ethical framework they will need to help them navigate a new […]