Fatoumatta: At a UNESCO conference in Paris, France, in 2019, I encountered some Ugandan women and inquired about their long-serving President, Yoweri Museveni. They did not appreciate my description, but they expressed admiration for the Gambians’ ability to peacefully remove their dictator, Yahya Jammeh, from power through elections after his […]
Author: Alagi Yorro Jallow
GOOD BOOK: The Gods Are Not to Blame
by Ola RotimiReview Alagi Yorro Jallow.Fatoumatta: Some memorable sayings from the novel “The Gods Are Not to Blame” include: “The struggles of a man begin at birth,” “The future is not happy, but to resign oneself to it is to be crippled fast,” and “He who pelts another with pebbles […]
The Need To Enact Legislation to Provide Reparations and Recognition to Victims of Human Rights Violations
Mamudu: Legislation should be enacted immediately to provide reparations and recognition to the victims of human rights violations under Yahya Jammeh’s rule. The Gambian government ought to have given precedence to compensating the victims and survivors of Jammeh’s regime—those who have lost family members, property, limbs, and who have suffered […]
Towards an Ethical Framework for Discussion
“The goal of discussion should not be victory, but improvement.” – Joseph Joubert Alagi Yorro Jallow. Fatoumatta: Debating in our country is challenging. The Gambian lack a culture of adversarial debate and scientific critique. They often miss a critical perspective, preferring self-praise or mutual admiration over engaging in serious and […]