Author: Alagi Yorro Jallow


Good Book: A recommended book for civil society members, journalists, talk show hosts, public relations firms, government officials, spokespersons, and the opposition, particularly those in communication, is “Beauty vs. The Beast: When Wrestling with a Pig.

Fatoumatta: A recommended book for civil society members, journalists, talk show hosts, public relations firms, government officials, spokespersons, and the opposition, particularly those in communication, is “Beauty vs. The Beast: When Wrestling with a Pig. In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions When It Counts. By Jerry […]

News, Politics

The Overreach of Political Correctness

Fatoumatta: The book “Fake Rebels: (Bush Poetry, 2022) by Philippe Bernier Arcand delves into a significant issue within our democracies. It discusses how the backlash against political correctness has unleashed racist, sexist, and xenophobic rhetoric. The author suggests that conservative and reactionary factions are crafting narratives and adopting stances that […]


BOOK REVIEW: The Beggars’ Strike

The Beggars’ Strike by Aminata Sow Fall. Review by Alagi Yorro Jallow. Fatoumatta: Aminata Sow Fall’s Novel, The Beggars’ Strike, accounts for a fictional strike in a West African Muslim-dominated society, notably Senegal. The Beggars’ Strike tells the story of an Islamic community caught between the pressures of traditional and […]

News, Opinion, Politics

In a democracy, political violence and vandalism are not viable options; one should counter opinions with more persuasive arguments

Fatoumatta: Violence is never a solution in Gambia. The Italian Marxist philosopher and journalist Antonio Gramsci, in Notebook 3 of his prison writings, observes that crises occur when “the old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; in this interregnum, a great variety of morbid symptoms […]