News Opinion

Epitaph: To a Friend, Brother, Doxologist, and Preacher Sheikh Landing Kintiba Nasso

Inna lillahi wa inallah-e-raji’oon
When an older man dies, a library burns to the ground, says Amadou Hampate Ba, Malian writer, historian, and ethnologist (1901-1991). Thus, it was with the frontline of the Gambia’s finest Islamic doxologist and a Muslim preacher whose signature was to sing and recite Islamic hymns and nasheed in vernacular and a great preacher and a goodwill ambassador to Islam—landing Kintiba Nasso, who passed away September 14, 2023.
Immortals never die. Tagore beautifully wrote, “Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. Doxologist and religious preacher Landing Kintiba’s spiritual and religious life shines beyond the borders of the Gambia. He had served Allah with unwavering devotion. He had no obsession with worldly possessions. His life was simple, but he was enthusiastic and indefatigable in the service of Allah.
The end of a scholar is an affliction that cannot be compensated and a void that cannot be filled—my condolences to the entire Muslim Ummah, the Gambian people, and the people of Jarra in Lower River Region on the passing of the excellent doxologist and preacher Landing Kintiba Nasso’s sudden passing. Death has expressed the sadness of his family, disciples, followers, and the nation—Doxologist and preacher Landing Kintiba, who was respected and admired. I prayed to Allah for the repose of his soul and strength and fortitude to the bereaved family of the deceased to bear the loss. May Allah grant him the highest Alijannah Firdausi and comfort his family. Please recite Surat al-Fatiha.
Landing Kintiba Nasso led a good life and contributed to Islam and spreading Islamic mythology. Despite his greatness as a doxologist and preacher in the vernacular, he had an enormous generosity of spirit and humility. He also built bridges across nations, ethnicities, and even religions to the remarkable gentleman and tremendous national asset, who, from his youthful days, worked meritoriously in the nation’s service in various national and religious capacities and never stopped being a beacon of light to the country he loved until his last breath. Everyone can affirm Landing Kintiba’s undeniable brilliance and legacies as a dedicated public figure will remain a reference point in Islamic mythology, preaching Islam and reciting and singing Islamic hymns. Landing Kintiba demonstrated love, peace, and joy in pursuing his passion for soul-winning. He worked assiduously to grow and spread the sacred hymns within and outside the Gambia, holding outreaches. He was an ambassador of goodwill. Landing is gone, but the world will never forget him.
We are powerless against it; we cannot resist it when it comes. Death robs us of dear ones, but we cannot stop it. Death does not keep a calendar nor give us notice of its timing. It does not seek our permission to strike.
This life is so brutally unpredictable. This is the horrifying reality of Death. It is no respecter of persons; it knocks on everyone’s doors without discrimination based on age, gender, or social status. The Death of every man is a reminder of our mortality.
Landing Kintiba has been integral to our Gambian religious Islamic Sufism fraternity. I received the news of his Death with excruciating pain and agony. Death is a mocker and leaves us devastated in our minds and hearts. Death is an excellent equalizer. It takes the mighty and the lowly. Landing was a good man with a perfect Spirit, a courageous heart, a deep mind, a man of faith, and a champion of equality, dignity, and character. The Gambia cherished him here. Landing has lived his life to the full, giving himself selflessly to Islam, his family, friends, and country with heart and soul. That is why he is worthy of celebration in Death as in life.
What happens between birth and Death is the value of life. Life can be meaningless and tragic. One can live it for self-gratification and personal aggrandizement. Still, life is measured in the lives you affect, not in the Awards and Nobles you win.
Rivers do not drink their water.
Trees do not eat their fruits.
Bees do not enjoy their honey.
Cows do not drink their milk.
Landing Kintiba Nasso exists in the service of Islam and for others.
May God comfort the bereaved families during this trying moment.
May Allah grant you the highest Aljannah Firdausi.

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