Message reproduced verbatim:
FELLOW GAMBIANS AND THE PEOPLE of the West Coast. I am Jainaba Bah,
the first nominated female candidate for Chairperson Brikama Area Council (BAC).
As an advocate for women’s participation in Politics, I am using this platform to set
an example to all Gambian women that we can go beyond dancing, clapping, and
being Cheerleaders in politics.
I was born in Brikama. Both my parents are from Foni Sintet village. At 20 years, I
was lucky to be employed as a “Secco” manager with the defunct cooperative union.
I served in this capacity at various stations, including Faraba Banta and Jarra Bureng,
for ten years. In this capacity, I handled millions of dalasi in cash buying farmers’
groundnuts without a discrepancy being recorded by the auditors or the commission
of inquiries established by the AFPRC. I attended Gambia High School, Gambia
college school of Agriculture, MDI, and Stratford College. I am Head of Logistics
of the Interparty Committee (IPC) of the Gambia and National Women President of
the PPP.
As women, this is the time to come together and show the world we can be one of
the finest leaders as we are naturally true-born leaders. If we can run our homes with
closed eyes, we can assume leadership at any level.
The reason why I am contesting is because I have first-hand experience in our
struggle as women. I use the same markets as you; my children and I use the same
hospitals for health care.
Most male politicians always give us false hopes for women’s empowerment, and I
believe this is the time for us to take charge to empower ourselves.
If elected, my number one priority will be to unify all of the West Coast, as there
can only be meaningful development with unity. Most of my fellow contestants are
already in divisive politics, so you should elect me, as I see beyond religion, political
parties, ethnicity, gender, disability, or any form of discrimination.
Health care has been a significant issue, especially for women. Women end up losing
their lives during childbirth. I believe this is due to not having the proper support
during their pregnancy period. My administration will provide nurses with antenatal
and postnatal services to minimize the death rate during childbirth and after the early
stage of delivery.
Under my administration, I will support Agricultural projects by helping farmers to
form the West Coast farmers union. My office will work hand in hand with them to
sell their products both at home and abroad.
We will bring back the Adult literacy program by using our existing regional schools
to help adults and school dropouts who are in business or show interest in learning
Basic English and Mathematics. The scholarship will be reasonably provided to
under privilege students at all levels.
My administration will be putting in support to promote and develop local
businesses. Tackle corruption by monitoring and ensuring that revenues are
collected and distributed fairly. We will focus on improving social skills. The
program will empower youths and women with resources, skills, opportunities,
critical awareness, and tools they need for a positive impact.
Waste collection and communication, such as transportation and feeder roads, are
among my top priorities.
Please follow the campaign for more of my development plans.
I am the change we need, the voice we deserve.
Thank you.
Jainaba Bah, your first Female Aspiring candidate for Chairperson, Brikama Area
Council (BAC).